Saturday, July 19, 2008

the dark zoids army

These pictures were posted on Takara Tomy website. It stated that these kits are promotional materials only and not official kits to be released. The only existing kits in the army are Darkhorn and Deadboarder. But recently Dark Molga, Dark Gator and Dark Malder were released as limited edition kits in recent Wonder Festivals and e-HOBBY. The Latest news, next dark zoids to be release will be Dark Iguan and Dark Twinhorn. Dark Twinhorn is not shown in these pics, so we will still wait for some photos. I do hope that all of these Dark Army zoids will be released.From left to right.. Dark Iguan, Deadboarder(released), Dark Wardick and Dark Saicurtis.Dark Helcat, Dark Iron Kong and Dark Malder(released).Back Row: Dark Zatton, Dark Geruder and Dark Merda
Front Row: Dark Molga(released) and Dark Gator(released)Lastly, Dark Deathsaurer and Dark Horn(released)

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