Friday, October 23, 2009

zoids poison customisation contest 2010

Zoids Customisation Contest 2010 will continue to adopt an Open-Theme for all entries. The contest will open from 1st November 2009 till 31 January 2010.

All entries must either be painted or customised to qualify for the contest. Submission of a photo of an original built zoid kit will not be accepted.

PRIZES - Possibly Cash Prizes via PAYPAL or vouchers from The Falcon Hangar; Quantum to be determined at a later stage

RULES - No limitation on the number of entries per contestants

- Entries must not be used in previous or other competitions. Any customised zoids that were showcased before must be modified "significantly" in order to be eligible for submission. For example: changing the entire coat of paint, developing a new setting for a diorama entry etc. Minor modifications such as placement of one or two weapon parts do not count. All other WIPs are eligible.

- All entries (photos) must be submitted to Zoidspoison to indicate submission before posting on other websites, including your own blogs. Contestants are allowed to post their customs elsewhere after their entries are uploaded on ZP. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONCE THE ENTRY HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO ZP, IT WILL BE UPLOADED ON THE FORUM.

- Contestants may choose to submit their entries at a later stage if they do not wish to "showcase" their entries early. However, in such cases, contestants are not allowed to post their custom entries elsewhere.

- Contestants are to submit a minimum of 2 photos and maximum of 5 photos. Contestants can choose to provide a link for more photos of their customs. Artworks are allowed. With the exception of ONLY adjusting for lightning using photoshop, all other enhancements to photos are PROHIBITED.

- Although it is to your advantage if you wish to highlight your customs in your synopsis for judging, the submission of synopsis/ battlestory is not compulsory.

SUBMISSION - Submission of entry photos to Zoidspoison is all that is required. Overseas ZP members are most welcome to participate.
- Send your photos to
- Please state "ZP Custom Contest Entry" in your email

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