Wednesday, August 8, 2012

lego minifigure: super wrestler

“I will defeat you – with HONOR!”

Only three things matter to the Super Wrestler: his mask, his honor, and the time-honored art of wrestling. He throws himself at every challenge that comes his way with gusto, counting on the strength of justice and his muscular arms to save the day, no matter the odds or danger. When victory is his, he throws out his arms to the sound of roaring cheers and wild applause…which is a little odd when there doesn’t seem to be anyone else around.

There are few situations that the Super Wrestler doesn’t think can be solved with a bold battle cry and a fancy wrestling move. The surprising thing isn’t that he treats life like it’s all a big wrestling match – it’s that so far, it’s always worked!

Lego Minifigure Series 1

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