Sunday, October 19, 2014

lego minifigure: pilot

“This is just like when I outflew the Red Baron over the Sahara!”

In his day, the Pilot has flown just about everything with wings. Biplanes, triplanes, jetplanes, and seaplanes: he’s piloted them all through every kind of wind and weather, and he’s had all kinds of incredible experiences along the way. He’s discovered long-lost mountaintop civilizations, battled sabotaging gremlins at 20,000 feet, and once he even flew a rocket to Mars to stop an invasion of water-stealing Moon Men.

Yes, the Pilot has led a colorful and exciting life indeed. He’s long-since lost track of how many years he’s been flying, although he definitely gave the Wright brothers some helpful advice at Kitty Hawk in Nineteen-Ought-Three. And if you even think of suggesting retirement, he’ll just chuckle at you with a wink of his eye and a twirl of his elegant moustache, and start the propeller spinning for his next grand flight!

Lego Minifigure Series 3

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