Depth(m): 12.0
Height(m): 5.5
Max Speed(km/h): 80.0
Crew: 0
# of Blox: 2
Demonshead is one of the 4 chimera zoids that combines to form the chimer dragon.
Demonshead is a chimera of a Tyrannosaurus and a Triceratops. But I wonder where are the other parts of this zoids. If you look at it, it consist of a head, tail,feet and horns wonder where's the body.
Demonshead's head is one the coolest design for blox zoids. The horn gimmick is also cool, where it can be folded for frontal attack.
It does not include a pilot like the other 3 chimera blox. From the battle story they are runned by an AI unit and can be controlled by lordgale and deantler.
Quattro's Rating: 8/10
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