Group shot alternate mode

Optimus Primal

The figure is smaller than I expected. Plastic quality is poor. Transformation sucks. And it seems that I got a defective, look at his hands.

Poor plastic quality. Again, I got a defective one. The left foot is deformed and I can not make it stand on its own. Transformation poor.

The best in the set. The size is much larger than the previous two. Transformation is still poor but better than the two.
Recomendation: Enjoy the food
Horrifying, I tell you. Horrifying beyond belief.
I totally want a set. My Prime would go nuts for them--he LIKES the crappy-looking ones....he's got INJECTOR for a favorite, for crying out loud. :)
Do you still have these? I want to buy them
Do you still have these? If so would you be willing to sell them?
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