Friday, April 1, 2011

burger king us - hop

From the animated movie Hop, comes the new set of toy for Burger King US this month.

Drummin' E.B. - Bop! Bop! Pull the string on E.B.'s back to activate moving arms and a fun "bopping" drum sound.
Egg Surprise Phil - Push down on Phil's head to dispense neat stickers out of his basket! Then, give them to your friends.
Easter Bunny Egg Flinger - Egg tossin' action! Pull back Bunny's arm and place one of six eggs into his paw. Then, pull down his tail to launch the egg far.
Easter Island Egg Dipper - Magic color revealed! Remove step and attach plastic egg. Fill the chamber with water and dip egg to watch color magically appear.
Egg Drop - Plug the egg into the launcher and twist to wind up! Then, press the chick's head down to release the egg and flap her wings.
Skatin' E.B. - 360 spin! push down E.B.'s head and skateboard to see him spin in a full circle.