A member of an obscure aquad of decepticon air warriors known only as "The Rainmakers," Acid Storm is known as an individual only to his teammates and a very few others. He is highly intelligent, eager, and dedicated utterly to the Decepticon cause. He has a talent for marshalling vast amount6 of data, as well as a way with words that would make him a powerful speaker. However, he prefers to remain anonymous, as part of his team. His hyperion3 blaster can seed natural clouds with a highly destructive form of acid rain.
Acid Rain has the same mold of Starscream, only their color scheme is different. As a G1 Starscream fan, I can only give comments on Acid Rain's color scheme. Well, green is not that bad plus the addition of the como makes Acid Rain very militaristic.

Robot mode. Same as Starscream, the robot mode looks nice and articulation is good.
The transformation of Acid Rain, was way better than Divebomb in my opinion, since this is only my second Transformer, this one is my favorite in terms of tranformation.

Quattro's Rating: 9/10

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